Meeting of the Belgian, German and Dutch Montfortians in the Netherlands

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Meeting of the Belgian, German and Dutch Montfortians in the Netherlands

Montfort News
Published by Stefan MUSANAI SMM in Netherlands · Wednesday 22 Feb 2023 ·  2:45
Tags: NUNED976
[FR]  [Dutch]

VROENHOF, the Netherlands - There is nothing that makes you happier than meeting brothers and sisters with the same vocation and mission. These words may be a bit exaggerated, but they are an expression of sincere joy after the meeting of the Belgian, German and Dutch confreres. The meeting took place in Vroenhof and Schimmert community and lasted two days.

The Belgian- and German- fellow brothers arrived at Vroenhof on February 13, 2023 in the morning. The morning's activity began with a joint reflection on how to realise the joyful message of the Gospel. Each fellow brother shared his personal experience on how he conceives and realises the mission of the Congregation in his respective entity.

We then reflected together on Montfort's Canticle 91: 'A Good Missionary'. Peter DENNEMAN SMM and Jos VAN DEN BERGH SMM helped us discover the background of this canticle and elaborate on how Montfort saw himself and he would like to see his followers. The joint discussion of this canticle certainly enriched our knowledge of Montfort and ourselves as his followers.

On Tuesday February 14, we had our meeting in the community of Schimmert. The meeting began with a Eucharist together with the brothers of the community. We then visited the Montfortian monument in Schimmert accompanied by John VAN OSS SMM. He told us that this monument was erected to commemorate the presence of the Montfortians and the Daughters of Wisdom in the Netherlands. Schimmert is a historic place for Dutch Montfortians. From here, the work and development of the Dutch Montfortians once began.

We then visited the cemetery with the graves of the Montfortians and the Daughters of Wisdom. Peter SMM, superior of Dutch Vice-Province, said we needed this visit to the cemetery to make us aware that our mission today could not be enjoyed and continued without the vocation and mission of those who have gone before us. We prayed for their assistance to continue our mission. At the end of the prayer, we sang the song 'Animé de L'Amour'.

Yes, we admit the meeting was quite short but meaningful. Pastoral busyness is often a difficult obstacle to overcome. This meeting brought us together and made our fellowship grow.

It also made us aware that one of the strengths of our mission is brotherhood. As the world increasingly promotes the spirit of individualism and selfishness, we seek to broaden the network of brotherhood and connect with each other. The mission of the Congregation makes us spread out and the pastoral context makes us differ. But we all originate and are formed from the same source: the Montfortian, Marian community. When things are against you or you are tired, go back to that source for a while. There your thirst will be quenched.

Dutch Montfortian

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