Moving from Schimmert to Vroenhof

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Moving from Schimmert to Vroenhof

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Stefan MUSANAI, SMM in Netherlands · Friday 26 Jan 2024 ·  1:45
Tags: NUNED1125

SCHIMMERT, Netherlands - One of the interesting things that Saint Montfort teaches his followers is the spirit of willingness to work and be sent anywhere under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This applies to all Montfortians: young and old, sick and healthy, wherever and whenever. In light of this spirituality, we witnessed the move of 5 confreres from Schimmert to Vroenhof on Wednesday, January 17, 2023. This move was not because of work, but to strengthen community life in Vroenhof. With the arrival of 5 brothers from Schimmert, the members of the Vroenhof community has increased.
This move is not easy for them. The Dutch say: “Oude bomen moet je niet verplaatsen” (We cannot move old trees to another place). That's right, because a new place requires new adjustments. In terms of age, they are considered elderly. However, the reason for their move to Vroenhof was not only to strengthen the community, but also to pay more attention to their health. In Vroenhof, they live close to a care center where care can be provided. The care center staff is always ready to provide assistance, especially at night. In Vroenhof, they can also enjoy a community atmosphere, a religous life that they would not experience if they were transferred to another retirement home, as experienced by several our other confreres in need of intensive care.
In Schimmert, there remains a Montfortian community, which is an apostolic community of works. The brothers who live there are also involved in parish activities. In addition, the monastery in Schimmert is certainly open to people from outside: daily Mass and activities related to spreading our spirituality.
Montfortian from the Netherlands

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