A Call from Medjugorje

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A Call from Medjugorje

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM in Italy · Tuesday 29 Nov 2022 ·  2:15
Tags: NUITA931
[FR]  [IT]

MEDJUGORJE, Bosnia and Herzegovina - The "Totus Tuus" Spiritual Center of the Association "Mary Queen of All Hearts" of Trinitapoli (Italy), is located in Medjugorje and was created by the Decree of the Superior General of July 2, 2020 with the authorization of Bishop Henryk HOSER, the Apostolic Visitor, with the ordinary functions of the site.
In this house, the members of the Association take turns welcoming pilgrims who come for various reasons linked to the Montfortian spirituality: to buy Montfortian books in their own language, to participate in a Marian catechesis, to ask for the availability of a Montfortian priest for a group arriving on pilgrimage, etc.
This is exactly what happened to me during my two-day visit to the Center the last week of November 2022. Six young Polish diocesan priests came to ask to be accompanied to make the Montfortian consecration. Thanks also to the fact that one of them speaks Italian, I first invited them for a catechesis, after which we made an appointment the next day in the same chapel of the “Totus Tuus” Centre.
The next day, at the end of the votive Mass to Mary, Mother and Mistress of spiritual life, these priests made their consecration to Jesus through the hands of Mary. During their sharing they remarked, saying: "We have heard of various proposals of consecration, but we found the consecration that are taught by Montfort the most useful for our vocation and our mission as priests.” After the Mass they bought Montfort's biography and other Montfortian books in Polish and received the address of our confreres present in Poland to continue their journey. For me, it was the first time that I brought such a large number of diocesan priests to the Montfortian consecration!
After their departure, Rosa and Regina, the associates present in the house, testified that similar requests come every week, and insisted on the great need for the presence of Montfortian priests who possibly speak languages other than Italian, to help them in this place of international pilgrimage.
This beautiful experience convinced me to support them by inviting the confreres of each entity to pass a time in this house, simply by contacting Association by email: info@mariareginadeicuori.it

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