MANGOCHI, Malawi - Recognizing the importance of maintaining who we are as well as actualizing the spirit of ongoing conversion, Anglophone Africa General Delegation had a 4-day annual retreat, from 3rd to 7th October 2021 at the Montfort Lakehouse Namiasi, Mangochi-Malawi. Besides gathering as one family of Montfort Fathers working in Malawi, we were joined by 4 Daughters of Wisdom and 4 Lay Associates. Fr. Wismick Jean-Charles, SMM, Assistant General of the Company of Mary, passionately and joyfully facilitated the retreat on the theme: “Coming Home to our Montfortian Identity”...

NAIROBI, Kenya – The Vicar General, Fr. Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, SMM, arrived in Nairobi at our International Scholasticate community on 29th September, 2021, in the morning hours. He was received at Jomo-Kenyatta International Airport by Fr. Jacob Ombidi, SMM, the superior of International Scholasticate community...

MBARARA, Uganda - On 17th August 2021, the Mbarara Community of Montfort Missionaries in Uganda gathered together with few religious around Mbarara to celebrate Holy Mass in honour of the life of Fr. Olivier Maire, SMM. Fr. Olivier had worked in Uganda as a Novice Master and also did his pastoral work around the community. It was a moment to celebrate the wonderful and transformative work of Fr. Olivier that came from his faith. The Holy Mass was led by His Grace Lambert Bainomugisha, the Archbishop of Mbarara Archdiocese together with few concelebrants. Confreres, religious men and women and lay people within Nyamitanga Hill participated in the Holy Mass. According to Archbishop Lambert, the life of Fr. Olivier has been an encyclopaedia, not only to the Montfortians but also to the entire church...

NAIROBI, Kenya - On 15th August 2021, the Montfortian community in Nairobi was privileged to celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven as they witnessed other three occasions. It was a moment of joyful thanksgiving. Firstly, they had the renewal of vows of the two Montfortian scholastics, namely Bro. Alex Muhwezi, SMM and Bro. Amos Hope Makina, SMM. Secondly, a consecration to Jesus through Mary was also made by Ms. Esther Wanjiru who is from Kenya and other 18 lay associates renewed also their consecration to Jesus through Mary. The words of the Psalmist were evident in their hearts, that is, “How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me”...

BALAKA, Malawi - On 16th July 2021, two confreres, namely Bro. Horrice Mkandawire, SMM and Bro. Laurent James Juma, SMM from Africa Anglophone made their Perpetual Profession at St. Louis Catholic Church - Balaka Parish in Balaka district. Bishop Emeritus Alessandro Pagani, SMM who is also the only priest at Kankao Parish presided over the very solemn Eucharistic celebration. Archbishop Thomas Msusa, SMM of Blantyre Archdiocese concelebrated as the confreres, the clergy, the Daughters of Wisdom, the Brothers of St. Gabriel, and the congregants witnessed the profession...

MANGOCHI, Malawi – On the occasion of the 305th death anniversary of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort on the 28th of April 2021, Fr. Paul Lonely Mashonga, SMM, the Superior Delegate, called upon the Montfortian family members to celebrate the gift of being Montfortians...

MANGOCHI, Malawi - On 24th March 2021, the confreres of the General Delegation of Anglophone Africa working in Malawi had a one-day colloquium on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) that was facilitated by Fr. Steve Mukusa, SMM. In his sessions, Fr. Steve, who is the promoter of JPIC in our entity, invited all the members who attended this workshop to collaborate with God and each other in our effort to fulfil the fundamental role of caring for our surrounding environment. His input largely drew insights from the Scriptures and other Church documents, as they provide the foundations of the Commission on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation...

MANGOCHI, Malawi - Every human needs a sense of belonging, being understood and feeling loved. Realising these imperative concepts, Anglophone Africa General delegation gathered from 23rd to 26th March, 2021 to cheer each other up, giving morale to the beautiful apostolates each is doing so as to bond and understand each other well for the betterment of the mission of the Lord. Aside of bonding, the gathering was also complemented with the workshop which Fr. Steve Mukusa SMM gave on justice, peace and the integrity of creation, a training he himself got from the meeting he attended in Rome in 2019. In his presentation, Fr. Steve emphasised the need for all members in the delegation to care for all creatures heeding to the encyclical, Laudato Si which pope Francis promulgated in 2013. All members concurred with the presentation that, no matter how minute we may contribute to improving our environment, it would matter a lot. “As all members try each day to live their religious calling in view of the three vows and the law of love, they should also remember to put creation to heart”, Fr Steve said...

NAIROBI, Kenya - The International Montfortian Scholasticate Community in Nairobi, Kenya has been privileged this year...

The Encyclical Laudato Si of the Holy Father Pope Francis on the care for our common home is an eye opener for us to consider...

ZOMBA, Malawi - On 22nd August, 2020, all roads led up to Sitima Parish where Fr. Owen O’Donnell, SMM was celebrating his 40 years...

LILONGWE, Malawi – The innovative ideas of the expatriate missionaries in Africa have helped the local Church to implement the...

BALAKA, Malawi - On the 11th of July 2020, three Montfortian deacons in Africa Anglophone were ordained to priesthood at...

LILONGWE, Malawi – Following the emergency meeting held by the Catholic media houses at ECM Secretariat in Lilongwe...

ZAMBIA-MALAWI - My first encounter with Fr. Francesco Valdameri, SMM was in 1991 at Kalichero Parish, in Chipata Diocese of...

BVUMBWE-MALAWI: On 9th February, 2020 more than 20 to-be members of Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH) had a...