Construction of the Mission Team in the UK
ASHURST, UK - In 2019, the GB/I entity has been erected as “a community attached to the Generalate”. In 2020, Fr. Norwyn BAYDO, SMM, the Superior of the Philippines, appointed Fr. Richard MAGARARU, SMM as a new missionary for UK, by saying: “Since last year, we have started reflecting and engaging ourselves in dialogue and in opening our frontiers to new mission partnership that will guarantee to continue our Montfortian life-mission in England”.
After the arrival of Fr. Richard in Rome at the end of Oct 2021, the General Administration has appointed a mission team made up of Fr. Richard MAGARARU, SMM (61), Fr. Des CONNOLLY, SMM (58), Fr. Nelson CABAÑERO, SMM (52) while waiting in the meantime for the arrival of Bro. Oliver ABASOLO, SMM (a scholastic of temporary vows) and other young Montfortians. As senior members of this entity, Fr. Kieran FLYNN, SMM (76) and Bro. Anthony HANLY, SMM (85) will be informed of every stage of the missionary team so that they could give their support according to their capacity and condition.
From the beginning, we saw the importance of regular zoom meetings with the General Administration to grow together as a mission team. For the past eight months, we have shared various themes, particularly every member’s expectations and ideas for a Montfortian future in the UK according to our charism.
During the days of the canonical visit (16-21 June 2022), Fr. Luiz A. STEFANI, SMM, Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM, Fr. Des CONNOLLY, SMM and Fr. Nelson CABAÑERO, SMM have listened to some authoritative people (Monsignor Martin HAYES, Bishop John SHERRINGTON of Westminster, Monsignor Vincent HARVEY, Bishop Philip EGAN of Portsmouth), asking each of them on how they see the Montfortians’ presence in the New Evangelization movement of the Local Church.
After a profound reflection, the General Council has come to the following suggestions for the missionary journey of this entity:
- By living and praying together, you will discern and experience an apostolic project, which is faithful to our Montfortian charism.
- Upon his arrival in the UK, Fr. Richard should come to live in Ashurst. Fr. Nelson should also move from London to St. Joseph’s Ashurst. In order to share his experience as a facilitator, Fr. Marco will remain in the UK until at least the arrival of Fr. Richard.
- Your collaboration with the Local Church could be along these three main axes:
- Hospitality offered in this House of prayer and peace.
- Montfortian charism with its elements of Evangelization, Mary, Availability and Acting together.
- Richness in diversity and unity of an International Team.
- In the meantime, the London house should be renovated, leaving open all prospects for its future usage: apostolic use, rental, sale, etc.
- Fr. Nelson could take some vacation in the Philippines starting mid-November.
- After a reasonable period (perhaps June 2023), the team will present an evaluation of their experience to the General Administration so that they may continue to improve their mission.