Giving Oneself to God Alone
RUTENG, Indonesia - On the Feast of Mary's Visitation to Elisabeth, ten novices in Ruteng, Indonesia joined the Company of Mary by making their First Religious Profession. It was held during the Eucharistic celebration at the chapel of the Montfort Novitiate, Labe, Carep, Ruteng, Manggarai, Flores, Indonesia on the 31st of May 2021. They are Yuvensius BAHARDI (brotherhood), Fransisko SADIANTO, Severinus Savio CIMI, Yakobus SYUKUR, Vinsensius Fererius RATMAN, Videlis GON, Maurinus Reymino NABAN, Herminus Hermino NDAMA, Mario Alexander BETU, and Alkuinus Ison BABO.
The celebration was presided by Fr. Antonius Tensi, SMM, the Provincial Superior of Indonesia. He was accompanied by all formators in the novitiate and most of the Montfortians who work in the Diocese of Ruteng from both parishes, St. Montfort, Poco, and St. Antonius Padua, Mbeling, East Manggarai, together with the two confreres from the formation house for aspirants in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai.
In his homily, Fr. Anton said that living the consecrated life as a Montfortian is a way of giving oneself to God Alone. "It is important that you are really happy in living your profession as a religious Montfortian. You should live your chosen life as a religious joyfully in order to know and see the deeper meaning of your profession. You should take care of your personal choice," he warned those who are going to do their first profession. He added that, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, they should learn how to overcome any challenges in their daily lives.
The day before their first profession, Fr. Anton also presided the celebration of self-consecration of the aforementioned novices to Jesus Christ, Eternal and Incarnate Wisdom through the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to the teachings of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort. In his reflection, he underlined the meaning of self-consecration. ''It is not merely a formality to do. Self-consecration is an integral part of offering yourself to God through the hands of Mary because she is the shortest, easiest, safest and the most perfect way to unite yourself to Christ.''
Taking into account the prevention of the spread of Covid-19, the novitiate community decided to invite only the parents and some family members of the newly professed and some friends of the novitiate community as well. They were present to give their support to those young men who chose to give themselves to God as members of the Company of Mary.
In the afternoon, after the celebration, the Montfortians also took time to have their regular meeting in the presence of the Provincial Superior, Fr. Anton. Encouraging his confreres to continue their mission, he shared with them some important issues from the latest CGE (Chapitre Général Extraordinaire), talked together, and listened to them about some concerns at the local and entity level.
Fr. Lodofikus Ndona, SMM