Spirituality Commission Animation in Indonesia

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Spirituality Commission Animation in Indonesia

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Meggi Adon, SMM in Indonesia · Saturday 20 Aug 2022 ·  5:45
Tags: NUIDO888
[FR]  [ES]

MALANG, Indonesia - Confreres, we share the dynamics of the animated meeting of the spirituality commission with the theme of appreciation, deepening, and spreading the example of the life and spiritual heritage of St. Montfort. The meeting took place in Jaya Giri Malang, East Java, 28-30 July 2022.

The participants of that meeting were 63 people from the Kalimantan, Flores, and Java regions as well as from categorical groups such as Legio Maria, Movement of the Marian Priest (GIM), Devotion’s Group on Saturday First, OMK (young catholic group), OMM (Montfort Young People), Montfort Youth, the Association of Mary Queen of all Hearts (AMQAH). Each of these categorical groups sent their emissaries. Legio Maria Kupang sent 2 delegates, Senatus of Legio Maria Malang sent 2 participants, Legio Maria of Pontianak sent 2 participants, OMK of Sintang sent 1 person, AMQAH of Bandung sent 2 people, AMQAH of Jakarta sent 2 people, AMQAH of Kapuas Hulu sent 3 people, Montfort Youth of Kapuas Hulu sent 3 people, OMK of Putusibau sent 1 person, OMK of Lanjing sent 1 person, Legio Maria of Pasuruan sent 4 people, AMQAH of Denpasar sent 1 person, Legio of Surabaya sent 4 people, OMM sent 5 people, AMQAH of Malang sent 10 people, Movement of the Marian Priest and Devotion Saturday First sent 2 people, and the priests delegates each region, both delegates from the mission house and from the parish.

The meeting began on Thursday, July 28, 2022. The meeting began with the prayer of the Little Crown of St. Mary at 16.00. The first session was preceded by a briefing from the head of the spirituality commission, Fr. Goris PASI, SMM, about the background of the meeting, the purpose of the meeting, expectations, and recommendations as well as cooperation that can be developed so that the spirituality and spiritual heritage of St. Montfort is explored, lived and disseminated in each region and prayer community according to the context and mission of each person. To open the horizons of the participants, the meeting continued by listening to input from Fr. Arnold SUHARDI, SMM, and Fr. Ludovicus NDONA, SMM.

Fr. Arnold gave input on the spirituality of St. Montfort. He emphasized that Christian spirituality is basically rooted in the love relationship of the Most Holy Trinity as well as the spirituality of St. Montfort flows from the relation of the Holy Trinity. However, the spirituality of St. Montfort lies in his special deepening of the mystery of the Incarnation of Christ and the role of Mary's culture in God's order of salvation which gave birth to the spirituality of self-dedication to Jesus through Mary.

Fr. Ludovicus gave input regarding the appreciation of the spirituality of St. Montfort in Indonesia. In order to realize the appreciation of this spirituality, Fr. Ludo emphasized the participation of the laity, especially the activities and initiatives of AMQAH members to explore and spread the spirit and spiritual heritage of St. Montfort.
The next session was filled with sharing the deepening, appreciation, and dissemination of the spirituality of St. Montfort from the Mission team of Menyurai represented by Fr. Ariston, the Deo Soli Mission team shared by Fr. Martin and closed by the model and way of deepening and spreading the spirit of St. Montfort from the spirituality commission brought by Fr. Goris, SMM. In order to add input for the participants of the spirituality animation, the next part is listening to the sharing from the Singapore AMQAH known as MGI with brother Adi from Singapore via zoom meeting. The sharing closed by sharing the appreciation and dissemination of the spirituality of the St. Montfort Parish pastoral team represented by 4 parishes: PIR Butong Parish (Central Kalimantan), Lebang Parish (West Kalimantan), Putusibau Parish, and Poco Parish.

On the second day, the meeting continued with sharing from categorical groups such as AMQAH Flores by Fr. Ludo, AMQAH Kalimantan by Fr. Martin, and AMQAH West Java by Fr. Jeje, AMQAH East Java by Fr. Lorens, Montfort Youth by Fr. Obeth and Rom. Luke and the companion of the young Ngorang by Fr. Herman, SMM.

The second sharing session was started by Montfort Youth West Kalimantan, OMM, Legio Maria Senatus of Kupang, Legio Commission of Surabaya, Legio Senatus of Malang, and representatives from the Movement of the Marian Priest (GIM). After the sharing session was held, the meeting participants were invited to enter into groups consisting of 6 groups with 10 members to see the challenges, and opportunities in living, exploring, and disseminating the spirituality of St. Montfort in this day and age. Then proceed to plenary. After lunch and plenary the participants were taken to the Montfort Seminary to celebrate the eucharist with the scholastic brothers to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the canonization of St. Montfort. The Eucharist is presided over by Fr. Arnold Suhardi, SMM, and continued with having dinner together at Pieta Ponsa Park and watching art performances from Montfort Youth, OMM, Brothers, and members of AMQAH Kapuas Hulu. Then the participants returned to rest at the Jaya Giri Retreat House at 2 p.m. 22.00.
On the last day of the animation meeting on July 30, 2022, after Mass and breakfast, the meeting began with a discussion based on categorical groups to find new forms and ways to live, explore and spread the spirituality of St. Montfort and propose concrete programs and forms of cooperation to explore, live and spread the Spirit and the spiritual heritage of St. Montfort. Participants were divided into 6 groups, namely: first, parish groups with participants; Parish priest/partner, and parish mission. The second,  Mission houses are Deo Soli, Ponsa (scolasticate), and Novitiate. Third, AMQAH; AMQAH companions and members. Fourth, Montfort Youth, OMM, and Fr. Goris, SMM. Fifth, the Legion of Mary from each region present, and sixth, from the GIM (Movement of the Marian Priest). Having discovered new ways of spreading spirituality and the spiritual heritage of St. Montfort each reported the results of their discussions in a joint plenary chaired by Fr. Goris to make recommendations together and then closed with lunch together.
Bro. Meggi Adon, SMM

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