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TAMATAVE, Madagascar - « Feno fiderana Anao izahay ry Ray ô.. Noho ny soa sesehena ‘zay nafafinao ho anay..misaotra Anao re… » literally meaning “We praise You Lord and give You thanks for all Your benefits...”. This is the song which the members of the Montfortian Lay associates known as Association Marie Reine des Cœurs (AMRC) of Madagascar welcomed the Superior General, Fr. Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, and the Assistant General responsible for Africa-Madagascar, Fr. Félix Mabvuto PHIRI, SMM, on Friday, November 04, 2022 at the Sacred Heart Parish in Tamatave, Madagascar...
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - It was a great pleasure that marked the meeting between the members of the Montfortian Lay associates known as Association Marie Reine des Cœurs (AMRC) of Antsobolo and the Superior General, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, and the Assistant General, Father Felix Mabvuto PHIRI, SMM on Thursday afternoon, October 20, 2022. Another meeting of AMRC of Andraisoro was on Sunday, October 23, 2022...
ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - On the occasion of the opening celebration of its 90-year presence in Madagascar, the Entity of Madagascar organized a pilgrimage to Analamalotra Tamatave on September 10-11, 2O22. The faithful from different parishes held by the Montfortians had come to this great meeting to pray together during these two days. Most of the confreres, the great Montfortian family, had also come to honor this first Montfortian Pelé Analamalotra...
ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - At the beginning of September, there were two important events. Firstly, after going through the three-year philosophy, two young postulants prepared themselves by having a retreat as they begin their novitiate formation on September 7, 2022...
ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - Following a decision taken during a council concerning training in our Entity, all the young people in formation from the pre-postulancy to the scholasticate and formators should meet once a year. Inspired by the writings of our Congregation, the rules of life and the personal experience within our community, we decided to spend a friendly moment together to strengthen not only the knowledge of each other, but also the fraternal life. This authentic fraternal life is one of the challenges in our commitment to religious life as Montfortians...
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - The feast of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, which took place last Thursday, April 28, 2022, was marked by the gathering of the entire Montfortian family working and based in Antananarivo, at the Foyer Andraisoro, namely the confreres of the Company of Mary, the sisters of the Daughters of Wisdom, the Montfort brothers of Saint Gabriel and the lay associates...
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - On Saturday before Palm Sunday, it was the right time that the AMRC of Antsobolo and that of Andraisoro, both based in Antananarivo, had chosen to carry out the pilgrimage as we usually do to mark the Lenten season. Thus, we specifically chose the Sisters of Our Lady of the Cenacle’s convent in Soavimbahoaka. It is a beautiful place, wonderful and above all quiet, thanks to its surroundings immersed in nature full of beauty. We were 25 members at the moment, accompanied by Brother Victor, SMM, head of the AMRC of Antsobolo. This pilgrimage began with a conference given by Deacon Olivier, head of AMRC Andraisoro, obviously preceded by daily prayer (lauds). Then, it was followed by the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Clément, SMM and ended with the Stations of the Cross...
TOAMASINA, Madagascar - In 2002, the "MPIARA-DIA MONTFORTANINA" or "Montfortian Associates" was born in Toamasina, Madagascar. It becomes AMQAH or "Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts" or FANGAVAGNA MONTFORTANINA MALAGASY, today...
MANAKARA, Madagascar - The Father Superior of Madagascar Entity, Fr. Bruno, had taken the opportunity to visit our colleagues working in the South-East of Madagascar (in Mananjary) after the passage of cyclone Batsirai. It should be noted that, by the grace of God, the two confreres on site are doing well (Fr. Jean Baptiste and Fr. Solofo Victor). Father Bruno, on this occasion, visited his family, not far from Mananjary, in Manakara: “It was a great joy to meet again”. Batsirai is a very intense cyclone which caused enormous damage. What is observed first is the absence of roofs on nearly nine out of ten houses. Hard dwellings have seen their sheet metal roofs torn off...
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - On the 3rd of October 2021, the postulant community of Andraisoro-Antananarivo had the joy of welcoming seven new young men from all over the country, wishing to respond to the call of Christ through the Montfortian charism and spirituality...
MADAGASCAR – In this month of August, the Vice-Province of Madagascar of the Montfort Missionaries experienced the joy of the priestly ordination of its two members. The first was the ordination of RAMANANDRAIBE Solofoniaina Victor (Solofo) which took place on August 8, 2021, in Ambatomarina, during a solemn Mass presided over by H.E. Mgr. RAKOTONARIVO Fidélis, bishop of the diocese of Ambositra. Father Solofo was ordained here with four other deacons from this diocese...
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - “How beautiful it is to see running over the mountains the messenger who announces peace, the messenger of the good news who announces salvation, the one who comes to speak to the holy city; "He is king, your God".” (Is 52,7)...
Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR - From 20 to 22 November 2018 the annual meeting of the vice-province of Madagascar took place in Antananarivo, the capital of the country. Twenty-seven confreres with perpetual vows who...
MADAGASCAR - The date of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin is a day that always gives joy to the Montfortian family: 25-year jubilee celebration of the religious life of three Daughters of Wisdom and profession of first vows of...
MADAGASCAR - After visiting the Democratic Republic of Congo (late May) and Malawi (early July), the last destination of my visit was Madagascar. I was there from August 1st to 18th, 2018. The program of my visit has been...
MADAGASCAR : Jubilee of Priestly Ordination
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